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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


AutoCAD Level Control Feature:Gain greater control over your drawings with new features that control elements of your drawings automatically. Use these features when defining elements, such as layers, line styles, or extents, and the underlying levels of your drawings.Dockable Project Stacks:View your drawings as a stack of layers or as a stack of frames. Switch between these two modes as needed. (video: 1:34 min.)Document Library:Create and display CAD documents with a document library and optional context menus. (video: 1:42 min.)Integrated Image Viewer:See thousands of images from popular Web sites, such as Bing, Etsy, Flickr, and YouTube, as embedded views in your AutoCAD drawings. (video: 1:38 min.)Freehand Artwork:Convert hand-drawn sketches into standard-object layers or LVS. With the new Freehand Artwork feature, you can quickly create and use a variety of hand-drawn sketches. (video: 1:31 min.)Extend Window:Put control of your onscreen windows into the palm of your hand, or avoid the hassle of having to resize the window. (video: 2:01 min.)New 2D Drafting Coordinate Systems:New Drafting Coordinate Systems include Drafting Set Coordinate, Drafting Origin Coordinate, Drafting Orientation, Drafting Plane, and Drafting Scale.Graphics Enhancement:The Graphics Enhancement feature helps you customize the appearance of your drawings to make your images look more like the original drawings, similar to the Appearance dialog box in the Windows desktop environment.Copy/Paste Individual Shapes:Apply the same settings for your copied shapes as you did for the original, and then change your settings as you see fit. (video: 2:09 min.)Clean Your Drawing:The Cleanup feature helps you clean up your drawing by removing the unwanted drawing content.Split Contour Bumps:Share drawing areas with other drawings, and use the new Split Contour Bumps feature to quickly and easily edit the shared drawing areas.Dynamically Predefined Coordinates:Use the new Dynamic Coordinates feature to modify the coordinate system 2be273e24d

AutoCAD For PC (Updated 2022)

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